iOS vs Android

March 28, 2022

The Battle of Operating Systems: iOS vs Android

Mobile app development is thriving like never before, and it's undoubtedly a great time to be in the industry. However, choosing the right platform for your app is one of the most crucial decisions that developers need to make. In this blog post, we'll compare two of the most popular operating systems – iOS and Android.

Market Share

Android holds a dominant market share with almost 72.2% of the mobile OS market (as of January 2022) as compared to iOS, which has 27.6% (as of January 2022). This difference can be attributed to the price range of phones running these operating systems, with many relatively low-cost phones running Android.

App Revenue

iOS apps generate significantly more revenue than Android apps. In 2021, iPhone users spent $72.3 billion on App Store, while Google Play Store generated $38.6 billion in revenue. This is despite the fact that Google Play Store has roughly the same number of app downloads as the App Store. This further asserts the general belief that iOS users are more likely to spend on app purchases and in-app transactions.

User Demographics

In terms of demographics, iOS users are generally considered to be more affluent and well-educated than Android users. Approximately 50% of US iPhone users have a household income of over $100,000 per year, while only 33% of Android users fall into the same category. Furthermore, iOS users tend to have a higher level of education, with 46% holding a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to just 36% of Android users.

Development Environment

In terms of development, app developers on iOS have a more consistent development environment, as there are fewer devices and operating system versions to support. This allows developers to focus on making the best app for a smaller audience. On the other hand, Android supports a broad range of devices which makes it a more complex ecosystem to work with. Android's flexible nature, however, makes it easier to integrate with third-party hardware, including virtual reality headsets, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.


When it comes to security, iOS is generally considered to be more secure than Android. This is because of the closed nature of the iOS ecosystem, which follows Apple's strict guidelines. In contrast, Android is an open-source platform that's more vulnerable to security breaches due to the large number of available devices, and the freedom given to developers in terms of what they can include in their apps.


To conclude, both iOS and Android are excellent platforms with their inherent strengths and offers unique opportunities for developers. One factor to consider, however, is your audience and target market. iOS is more suited for app developers targeting affluent, well-educated audiences, whereas Android is an ideal choice for those who want to cater to a broader demographic.

Overall, the decision should ultimately be based on the requirements and objectives of the project rather than solely relying on market shares or user statistics.


  1. StatCounter
  2. Sensor Tower
  3. Vox
  4. Android Authority

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